Thursday, September 20, 2007

Blogging: PR nightmare or dream?

Articles read:
-Blogs Will Change Your Business
-Bloggers Send a Warning Shot to Corporate America

It seems today that blogs are helping businesses as well as hurting them. Good PR is considered to be a valuable asset to a company- one they are willing to spend enormous amounts of time and money on. It seems that blogs are now capable of ruining or boosting any established name a company has made for itself within the privacy of our own homes. And my opinion is just as important to consumers as the tag line that their marketing team spent all night creating.

How can that be? Well, I guess there are people out there who want to hear what I have to say. I was always convinced of the opposite. It has been reported that only 27% of Americans bothering looking at blogs, and yet they are able to make a huge impact. I guess as the trend continues more and more will become more aware of the blogging world. I guess the best way businesses can handle such a phenomenon is to join the crowds before its too late and their name starts being a keyword in these online journals before they have even bothered to sign on. By being online a company has the ability to reach customers in a much more personal fashion, as opposed to an ad, and can do it for a much cheaper price. (i.e. $0.00) So it must be better to be safer than sorry, might as well beat your customers to the punch.


Map Finder said...

I feel like companies are much more likely to find themselves blogged about in high volume if they have a new or controversial product that's either already on the market, or coming soon. Blogs dealing with corporations seem like just consumer reporting establishments, where people will talk about the things they do or don't like about concerning a company or it's products. I agree with you that companies need to get on board the blogging train before they find themselves engrossed in it involuntarily. By actually paying attention to blogs and key posts, they can act on what is stated, either by issuing a press release, or actually altering some physical aspect of how their company runs, how it portrays itself, or how one of its products functions.

EmperorChow (Peter Chow) said...

Information are so easily and freely distributed nowadays, its hard to stand out without being radical in your means. I agree that blogging can be useful for a corporation, and that they must understand their constituencies before releasing anything substantial.

There's this comment that I've read that was very funny and I believe very true at the same time. It was something along the line of "Internet: it doesn't make you stupid, but it just makes your stupidity more accessible to others." Corporations must avoid that from ever happening.