Sunday, October 21, 2007

Well aren't we just one big far flung (possibly frustrated) family?

I'm so accessible I could just about lose my mind. Isn't it great? Now we can work on teams that are not only in our office but we can work with people all over the globe. Sounds great, doesn't it? Personally, not at all. Team building, from what I have experienced is a process that can be made easier by getting to know my teammates. In the article "Collaboration Tools are Ready for the Battlefield", we can learn about how technology can be helpful and super cool is helping our world become more efficient.

But then again, in the article "Working Together when Apart", we are reminded of just how frustrating technology can be. Gaining insight and knowledge from all different types of people is a great resource, but can we be over-exerting ourselves? I think it is a strong possibility, and one that we should be cautious of. Technology has made our lives easier and harder at the same time. It's a cool idea to be able to check your email from a hand held device from wherever we are provided we can get a signal, but when that starts creeping into the weekend and on family vacations the idea gets less cool with every sneaked glance we get it. It is no longer a challenge to connect to each other, technically speaking, as the article points out. But I believe that we are making ourselves so accessible that it is starting to get hard to focus. Reaching across the world to one another is great, but maybe we should see what the person sitting next to us has to offer as well. Maybe the best answers can be found in a closer proximity.


Jillmogie said...

With your point about being overly accessible, I find it funny that people are afraid of taking advantage of certain tools because they don't want to be reached.

Many of my co-workers and friends who recently graduated refuse to get a blackberry because they don't want to get emails when they are out at a baseball game or something. I think that these technological advances are making it so much easier to consume ourselves in our work lives...

rachbrandon said...

So I am a little cofused by your comment. Do you think it is better to take advatage of these technological advances or is it funny that we don't want to? I can understand not wanting to be reached though. I have started turning my phone off and stopped checking my email after a certain time of night, I can't take it any more and I have learned that there is nothing so urgent that can aggravate me just as easily in the moring;-)