Sunday, November 4, 2007

My Fantastic Resume

Is anyone else confused? While job hunting and taking this Social Networking course I am beginning to wonder about the value of my resume. I have had this remarkable piece of paper since middle school and now when I need it, I fear no one else cares to look at it. Reading articles labeled "The Blog is the New Resume" and "Six Degrees of Recruitment", I am quickly approaching the conclusion that this job search is becoming less about what I know and is more tied to who I know.

Well isn't that disappointing for anyone else? I have worked my entire educational career about building up experiences that would hopefully one day land me a job where the interviewer would take one look at this baby and say, "Wow, I gotta hire her." Apparently I was wrong. And it still doesn't seem fair. I can have all of the experience but if the other candidate knows someone I don't I think can safely assume that the battle is almost over. That is almost, I have decided to continue to believe that all of that work has to be impressive to someone. Unless you know someone I can contact, do you think they would want to read my resume?


EmperorChow (Peter Chow) said...

It's time to start schmoozing RachyRach!

Aside from that, I guess you'll just have to make your resume stand out that much more. I don't know what to say. Maybe we should ask Prof. Melander to invite someone from a HR department to tell us about the hiring process from the employers' point of view, and let us ask them what we can do to get a job if we're socially inept hahaha.

Sir William McDoogavich said...

I wouldn't go so far as to say that your normal resume has gone out the window. I feel that if you are looking for a job in the information technology industry, they may look at your blog but not use it as a substitute. There are still formalities from an HR standpoint as well as a baseline information standpoint that is fulfilled only by a standard resume and not a blog. Be wary about your postings, but don't feel that a blog is all that's left.

ps. everything I just wrote means very little if you are applying for a job as a professional blogger. :)

Map Finder said...

I suppose I agree with you on all this. Your point about the resume becoming all the more less important is very valid. I feel that in this class I'm learning ways to improve and diversify myself... what I mean is that now I have several blogs going which can keep my online reputation building, but I can also show off my resume on paper. I think that I'm sort of building a portfolio of tools, and connections in our class, so that if I need connections, or need to show someone my online self, I can do so, in addition to giving them a copy of my resume.